
My name is Tom Sawyer Crosby, but everyone calls me Sawyer. I’m Kiki’s bestie in Virginia.kikis dog cookie club, dog treat of the month

I met Kiki through her Dog Cookie Club. Mommy signed up for it a few months ago, and I’m not ashamed to admit that my mouth starts to water as soon as she opens the box! My favorite flavor is the Peanut Butter. If I could eat the whole pound at once, I would. Mommy claims it’s a bad idea, but I think one day I’ll convince her that I can handle it.

I’ve heard my parents say that I’m a labradoodle. I think that means that I was adopted, but I’m cool with it. I love my family.

I’m going to be the big O-N-E next month, so it has taken a while, but I’ve finally figured out how our family is structured. First, there is daddy. He is in charge of the couch and the ottoman that I love so much. Then there is mommy; she likes when I accompany her to the bathroom. One of the other kids likes to do it, and I think it’s pretty fun, too.

Calvin is my best friend most days. He’s 11. He smells wonderful – like sweat and dirty socks. I don’t like when he tries to zerbert my belly, though. It feels weird.

As far as family order goes, I come right after Calvin. I only listen to mommy, daddy, and him. I’m basically in charge of everyone else… and I don’t mind letting them know it.

Huckleberry Bernardo Crosby – or Huck – is my brother from another mother, I guess you’d say. He was adopted like me, and they say he came from the labradoodle clan, too. He must be from some giant tribe, though, because he’s huge! He’s 12, so he only likes to play with me a couple times a day. I love to bite his neck and make him bark – especially when we have guests over.

Next there’s Natalie – she’s almost 10. She likes to brush me and pet me. She doesn’t smell as wonderful as the boys, but I do like when she leaves the bathroom open so that I can get to the delicious water bowl in there.

Cassidy is the baby. I think she’s three. I really, really like how messy she is when she eats. Sometimes, she lets me eat right off of her plate. I know that it’s not polite, but nobody seems to care if they don’t see it.

Jesse is another boy who looks like Calvin. He’s almost eight. He smells like a mixture of socks, dirt, and hamster. It’s intoxicating. He’s the lowest on the totem pole in our house because I boss him around the most. He tries to tell me what to do, but I just ignore him. I do like to wrestle with him, though, and he gives good hugs.

Other than Calvin, my best friends are the cats. They don’t seem to understand how much I adore them, but one day they’ll figure it out. Shawn, the striped one, lets me put my mouth over his head sometimes. It’s awesome! It’s like we’re a circus act! Gus, the other one, just runs away from me like I’m a crazy person. I mean, I chase after him to tell him to stop, but he just doesn’t get it.

We’ve got two mouse-like things that they call hamsters. I like their smell a lot, but I’ve never been allowed to say hi.

We also have five chickens outside. Those things freak me out! Huck says they’re awesome, but I just think they look weird.

Our house is pretty crazy, but I fit right in. The louder, the better!

Thanks for letting me introduce myself!



P.S. Try the Peanut Butter!